There are depressingly few bugs outside anymore, but I am waiting until the first hard frost before taking off for the insectarium (mostly as an antidote to getting totally depressed after the first hard frost). I'm also waiting until I get back from my upcoming trip - I will be leaving this Saturday to go visit my good friend E, her husband M, and their highly adorable, new offspring, J. I will be testing out the camera's use for taking pictures of slightly larger creatures, i.e. the baby. I don't know if I'll be posting those pics here or not, will have to see what E and M think on that.
I have been sewing a ridiculous amount - mostly baby clothes. I will take pictures of those, to be posted after they've been given to E, as I don't want her to see what I've made ahead of time. It'd ruin the surprise. :)
I've also made myself a couple nifty shirts. I'm presently very in love with large, billowing sleeves with small, gathered cuffs. They're just nifty.
I'm considering getting some manner of sticker for my car - not a political type sticker, but just something pretty to personalize it a bit. I like this: . . and this:
. . the firefly sticker is fairly nondenominational, apolitical, and generally inoffensive to most people, I'd think. I'm a little more nervous about the idea of the pentacle sticker. I've yet to find a label that fits me well on . . well, any subject or aspect of life, really . . but religiously, I most often refer to myself as an agnostic pagan - which really does make sense, I swear, but is difficult to explain in less than an essay and is not the point of this post. Point is, I am not a traditional sort of neo-pagan (though the words "traditional" and "neopagan" are sorta funny to put in the same sentence to start with), and this makes me a little bit wary of using traditional neopagan symbols, however much they appeal to me and fit what I believe. I don't want to appear to be representative of something that I am not. And I'm very not open about my religious beliefs at work. I don't exactly hide anything - I mean, I've taken the summer solstice off for two years running now, surely someone has noticed this, and hey, making this post on the internet under my real name - but I do not discuss religion at work, period, the end. And I have a feeling that if I stick this sticker on my car, I will be discussing (explaining, maybe justifying) my religion at work. I don't really want that.
. . but it's a very pretty sticker and I don't particularly like the idea of not buying it solely for that reason. That feels a little closetish.
Anyway - back to sewing and packing and generally losing my mind.
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